Tuesday 16 April 2013

Frog Egg Project

Mommy was walking down by the swamp watching the spring peepers make lots of baby peepers. They were laying hundreds of eggs. So after school we went down to the swamp with our bucket and scooped up a few eggs with lots of swamp water to keep them healthy.

Spring Peeper Eggs in a bucket
We will keep the bucket in the sunroom and will change the water every day after school to keep it from getting stagnant.

A drawing of a spring peeper egg.
We decided to draw a picture of an egg. We used our schema (which is the stuff we already know in our heads) and then I drew what I saw. The black stuff is the inside of the egg, and the green stuff is the gel that protects the baby frog. Baby frogs are called tadpoles. When they get older they are called frogs.

Here's the link to the original site.
The picture above has more detail, but I think our outside is a little bit brighter.

We'll post another picture in a few days so you can see the changes in the eggs. One website we saw said that the tadpoles can hatch within a week which we think is pretty fast!

1 comment:

  1. Great job guys. Look forward to reading more blog entries.

